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Meetings & Events


Weekly Meetings

We meet every Tuesday from 7-9 pm at the Santa Rosa Middle School Gymnasium. In the summer months we meet at Steele Lane Community park. Each meeting includes Scout skills, activities and games based on the monthly theme.



Camporee victories, Thanksgiving dinner, the end of the school year, Holidays, New Years, and the pool party are just a few excuses we have to bring a little extra fun to our weekly meetings!


Pillow Fight!

Summer Fun month exemplifies our dedication to the word "fun!" Each week we take part in an outrageously rad activity culminating with the Scout vs Scout Pillow fight in our custom built arena. Do you have what it takes to win it all or will you splash down! 


Broom Ball

Every other year or so we invite other Troops to the local ice arena for an evening of some good ol' fashioned broom ball. What's broom ball?


Basically it's hockey without the puck and skates. 


Troop Movies

We are all about spirit and skits; so why stop the acting when the campfire ends!? We have several finished and ongoing movies where the Scouts script, plan, dress up, act and edit their own dramatic action films worthy of the red carpet!


Sign Off Sunday

At every meeting and trip there's ample opportunities for advancement, however, the first Sunday of each month the Troop dedicates a day to practice, learn and sign off scout skills, rank requirements, and work on merit badges. 


Monthly Themes

Our monthly themes vary from year to year as each new core of youth leaders plan them. Often themes reflect scout skills like cooking, first aid or cinematography; or focus on preparation for an upcoming event like the annual Camporee.

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Water Wars

Our Summer fun month also bodes the wettest and wildest water war. Water balloons and squirt guns are just a few of the artillery you'll have at your disposal. Let the battle begin!

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Food Fight!

Arguably the messiest meeting of the year, this food throwing extravaganza is both exciting and tasty. But don't take our word for it, check out this patrol battle yourself:


Disaster Night

Are you prepared for a natural disaster or medical emergency? Let's put your skills to the test and practice like a first responder in these hands on scenarios! Fake blood and injuries make this evening realistically fun!


The Oscars

Cinematography month doesn't just include "air bands" and skits. Each patrol creates their own short film and receives awards at the Oscars night from our Adult Leader judges. Dress to impress for your patrols premiere, and get ready to laugh!


Order of the Arrow

The BSA Order of the Arrow (OA) recognizes Scouts across the nation who best exemplify the ideals of Scouting. Annually, members from our Troop are elected into the Redwood Empire's local chapter; Orca Lodge 194.


District Camporee

Once a year all of the Troops in the area compete (by patrol) against one another in a series of events to demonstrate Scout skills and spirit. We are the winningest Troop (both in overall points and spirit) in the entire Council for the past twenty+ years.


Troop Day

Troop Day is all about sport and obstacle course related activities including Troop wide, patrol and individual competitions. 


Destruction Night

Ever wonder what the inside of a computer looks like? Or what a sledge hammer can do to it? Then don't miss this night of technological carnage where choosing your tool is only half the battle!

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Blast Car Rally

Let's up your CubScout Pine Wood Derby game T.125 style by giving your ride a boost of C02! Customize your car and blast it across the finish line before the rest!


Annual Crab Feed

Our chartering organization Santa Rosa Rotary West hosts an annual crab feed fundraiser to support community groups. Troop 125 Scouts set up and serve delicious locally sourced Dungeness crab to the donor guests. Yum!


Scout Jamborees

Troop 125 Scouts have the opportunity to attend a National and/or World Jamboree during their Scouting Careers. For more information visit the sites directly: 

National Jamboree

World Jamboree 

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