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Adult Leaders

Shawn Hanna

Scoutmaster since 1990
Asst. Scout Master 1989 - 1990

125 Eagle Scout since1988

I joined scouts in 1980 but by the time I was 15 my original troop dissolved so I transferred to Troop 125 and i’ve been here ever since. I got Eagle in 1988, was an ASM for a couple years and on August 1st 1990 I accepted the position of Scoutmaster because the Troop needed a leader who would commit to be there and understood our core values. I initially committed to 5 years but by that time, Scouts was so integrated into my life, and I enjoyed it so much, I found no reason to leave. I love to train, guide, and motivate the guys to succeed. As the Scout Master of Troop 125 my primary responsibility is to provide for the health and safety of our members and to prepare them for life using the methods and aims of Scouting. As a leader I do a lot of the behind the scenes work with my fellow adult leaders, however, we firmly believe that the scouts, not the adults, should lead their troop. We guide their decisions and do our best to support their goals. Watching them succeed is truly one of the coolest things I’ve experienced. Outside of Scouts, I’m an active outdoorsman. I like to bike ride, fish and hike. I’ve been a multi sport athlete both on the high school and collegiate level, and continue to remain active and competitive in my adult life. Ultimately, I really do look at myself as a big kid with adult responsibilities. I’m currently an Emergency Medical Technician. 

Mr. Hanna was recently recognized by the City Council of Santa Rosa for outstanding volunteerism in serving the community and was the recipient of the 2021 "Serving Others" Volunteer Merit Award

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Jack McCarthy-Smith

Assistant Scoutmaster Since 2023
125 Eagle Scout since 2022



Kai Singkeo

Assistant Scoutmaster Since 2023
125 Eagle Scout 2022



Dr. Michael Lasker

Assistant Scoutmaster since 2020
Eagle Scout since 1993

 I joined the Troop with my son in 2019. I started in scouts with my two younger brothers with Troop 51 in Napa where we all became Eagle Scouts. We thoroughly enjoyed our time as scouts and now I have the opportunity to give back so that new scouts can enjoy the outdoors as much as we did. I have fond memories of canoeing down the Russian river and going to scout camp in the Sierras. When my son picked out Troop 125 and could not wait to join that made two of us! I thoroughly enjoy my job as an ASM with Troop 125 and working with all the Scouts, they have an incredible spirit and are a great group! Outside of Scouts I work as a General Surgeon for The Permanente Medical Group, teaching medical students and residents. Outside of work and Scouts I enjoy camping, gardening, cooking, sailing, coaching soccer, and spending time with my family. In addition, I have two young daughters who I help with Girl Scouts and who are also interested in Scouts BSA when they are old enough.

Miguel Uribarri

Assistant Scoutmaster Since 2016

Mr. Uribarri is an "at large" ASM as he is with the United States Coast Guard and was re-stationed out of the area. He will be back with 125 when he is able to return!

Dave Daine

Assistant Scoutmaster since 2002

When my son was in Scouts in Troop 125 I became an ASM. I always enjoyed working with the Scouts and going on hikes and camping trips, so when my son became an Eagle Scout, graduated from High School and went away to college, I stayed on as an ASM. I still enjoy working with the Scouts as they advance through the ranks, and going on hikes and camping trips. I am a software developer; I have worked mostly for companies that service the medical community, from patient care to billing. After college my wife and I joined the Peace Corps. We were teachers for several years in Samoa in the South Pacific. I guess this was the beginning of the volunteer part of our lives. We have lived in Sunnyvale, Seattle, and now live in Sebastopol. I currently work for ClaimRemedi, a Santa Rosa-based company that processes medical claims. When I'm not working I enjoy camping and hiking (both with Troop 125 and with my family), gardening and cooking.

Mike Maloney

Committee Chair since 2020
Assist. Scout Master 2008 - 2020

125 Eagle Scout since 2004

I rejoined the Troop as an adult leader to give back to an organization that gave me so much. Born and raised in Santa Rosa;

 I went to Piner High School, the Santa Rosa Junior College, and the University of San Francisco. I am the City Clerk for the City of Cloverdale and a wedding videographer. I have an immense sense of wilderness wanderlust and a grand appreciation for outdoor adventure sports. I spend most my free time camping, backpacking, skydiving, rock climbing, kayaking, riding my Harley, and training for triathlons and mud run obstacle courses. I focus on higher adventure activities and advanced outdoor skills to keep the older more experienced Scouts engaged. As the Committee Chair, my goal is to ensure a quality, safe, and fun program for the entire troop. I'm also the Troop WebMaster. 

Ed Russell

Assistant Scoutmaster since 2010
125 Eagle Scout 1994

I became an ASM for Troop 125 back in 1994 as an 18 year old graduating Eagle Scout of the troop. I always loved being in the troop and wanted to help other boys have as much fun as I did and teach the things I learned through my 10 years in Scouts. After a few years I moved out of town for school, and then eventually started my life and family.  I was away for many years, but when my son became Boy Scout age and we were back in Sonoma County, it was a no brainer what troop we were going to at least check out.  We live in Rohnert Park so we also checked out local troops here and in Santa Rosa.  But my son, being so much like me, chose Troop 125.  He loved the fact that it is such an active troop.  Camp outs every month, hikes throughout the year and always out doing something fun.  All of the things Boy Scouts is supposed to be about.  I was especially happy that my Scoutmaster Mr. Hanna was still here after all of these years. I am currently a Manufacturing Planner and an online health and fitness coach.  I have a degree in Culinary Arts and have worked several industries over the years including Restaurants, Health and Fitness, and Manufacturing.  My passion is helping people and that all started through my Boy Scouts career.  I have always been some sort of volunteer or coach.  I have coached my sons baseball team, my daughters Softball team, and volunteer for many sports events at Analy High School where my son plays football. When I'm not at a troop event I enjoy cooking, working out, camping and hiking (both with Troop 125 and with my family), motivating others (young and old), and coaching and attending my kids sports events.

For over 50 years our dedicated volunteer adult leaders have strived to instill the values found in Scouting by helping youth build character, train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develop leadership, personal fitness, outdoor and life skills in a safe, fun, accepting and positive environment.

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